
2020年7月28日—Youcanmakeacopyofhostsfileonyourdesktopandsaveit.Thenyoucanrenametheoriginalhostsinetcfolder,Windowswillaskfor ...,2024年3月7日—OnceinNotepad,gotoFile->Open.GettoC:-Windows-System32-Drivers-etcandmakesuretoselectAllFilestofindthehostsfile.,2023年12月6日—HowtoEdittheWindowsHostsFile?·1.ClickFile.·2.SelectOpen.OpenhostsfileinNotepad.·3.Thehostsfileislocatedintheetc ...,EditYourW...

Editing and saving the Hosts file...

2020年7月28日 — You can make a copy of hosts file on your desktop and save it. Then you can rename the original hosts in etc folder, Windows will ask for ...

How to Edit Hosts File in Windows, MacOS and Linux

2024年3月7日 — Once in Notepad, go to File -> Open. Get to C:-Windows-System32-Drivers-etc and make sure to select All Files to find the hosts file.

How to Edit Hosts File on Windows

2023年12月6日 — How to Edit the Windows Hosts File? · 1. Click File. · 2. Select Open. Open hosts file in Notepad. · 3. The hosts file is located in the etc ...

How to Edit the Hosts File in Windows 10

Edit Your Windows 10 Hosts File as an Administrator · Click the Start menu or press the Windows key and start typing Notepad. · Right-click Notepad and choose ...

How to Edit the Hosts File on Windows

2021年6月3日 — 1. Open Notepad as an administrator. 2. Go to File > Open. 3. Go to c:-Windows-System32-Drivers-etc. 4. Select All Files from the drop-down menu ...

How to Edit the hosts File on Windows 10 or 11

2023年10月15日 — The hosts file is located in C:-Windows-system32-drivers-etc on both Windows 10 and 11, and you need administrative permissions to edit it.

How to Edit the Windows Hosts File

You can edit and save the host file, C:-Windows-System32-drivers-etc-hosts using the following steps: Copy ...

Modify your hosts file

Modifying your hosts file enables you to override the domain name system<br/>(DNS) for a domain on a specific machine. DNS management<br/>is useful when you ...

PowerToys Hosts File Editor utility for Windows

2024年4月12日 — The Hosts File Editor provides a convenient way to edit the hosts file. This can be useful for scenarios like migrating a website to a new ...